There’s a well-known story about Abraham Lincoln that emphasizes the importance of preparation in leadership. While there’s no definitive evidence that Lincoln ever actually said it, he’s often credited with the quote: “If I am to speak for 10 minutes, I need a week for preparation. If I am to speak for half an hour, I need two days. If I can speak as long as I want, I need no preparation at all.”
Regardless of whether Lincoln said these exact words, the story is a powerful reminder that impactful moments require thoughtful preparation. This speaks directly to the heart of leadership—where meaningful, decisive actions are the result of a leader’s careful planning, focus, and readiness.
Often in life, we go with the flow, but for anything meaningful, we must prepare. Leadership is no different. A true leader refines their skills, sharpens their focus, and invests the time to be ready for those critical moments. It’s in these 10 minutes of decision-making and action where leaders leave a legacy, creating a lasting impact on those they lead and the goals they achieve.